FCB 2022 Preconvention Board Meeting June 3, 2022 The FCB 2022 Preconvention Board Meeting was held on June 3, 2022 at the Orlando Sheraton North, in Maitland using hybrid format. The meeting began at 4:36 PM. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eugene Batke. Roll was called by Sally Benjamin. Those in attendance were: Braille Revival League of Florida, Coalition for the Concerns of the Totally Blind, Florida Council of Citizens with Low Vision, Greater Miami Council of the Blind, Greater Orlando Council of the Blind, Guide Dog Users of Florida, Halifax Council of the Blind, Jacksonville Council of the Blind, Manatee County Council of the Blind, Miami Beach Council of the Blind, Miami Metro Council of the Blind, Pinellas Council of the Blind, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of Florida, Sarasota Council of the Blind, Tallahassee Council of the Blind, Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-President; Membership Secretary, Sally Benjamin; Recording Secretary, Mary Tyson; Treasurer, Mark Lear; At Large Members, Awards, Access, Archives, Budget and Finance, Convention, Credentials, Education and Leadership, Employment, Executive Committee, Fundraising, Governmental Affairs, Membership, Project Insight, Publications and Publicity, Resolutions and Technology committee chairs. Those absent were Northwest Florida Chapter of the Florida Council of the Blind, Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of Florida, Southwest Florida Council of the Blind, and Tampa Council of the Blind. Motion to approve the 2021 Midyear Board Meeting minutes was made by Wanda Stokley and seconded by Eugene Batke. Motion passed. Sheila thanked all who had donated door prizes and to the auction as well as our sponsors and those who were streaming the meeting on ACB Media. Sheila reminded dog owners to clean up after their dogs properly and dispose of the waste. It is not acceptable to leave the bags in the grass or on the sidewalk. We do not want the hotel to think badly of us and not want us back. Mikey apologized on behalf of the hotel about the elevator being out of order last night. Breakfast and overall service is going well. The hospitality room sponsored by GOCB and the Spoones will be held in the Swift Room. Mark advised that most reimbursement vouchers were done ahead of time via email and people can receive a check or paid through PayPal or Zell. He will send it out within two weeks after convention. This also applies to reimbursement for the first timers. Tom Hanson asked about a possible increase for mileage reimbursement. Kati Lear explained that we follow the state guidelines and they have not increased it yet, it is still $.445 per mile. Sally reported that there are approximately 100 people listed as attending the convention and 130 who have registered either in person or on Zoom. This is the largest Awards Banquet she has ever seen. If you haven’t registered and picked up your tickets, you must have your ticket to get into the banquet. Sheila advised that we need to choose a chair for the nominating committee who is elected by the Board. Doug Hall was nominated by Eugene Batke and seconded by Wanda Stockley. Cassandra moved nominations be closed. Doug accepted the nomination. Note was made that only one person from each credentialed chapter is allowed in the meeting. Cassandra made a motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Mikey. Meeting was adjourned at 5:06 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Tyson, FCB Recording Secretary