Executive Committee Meeting April 05, 2022 A meeting of the FCB Executive Committee was held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. The meeting began at 7:00 PM. Those in attendance were: Sheila Young, President; Mikey Wiseman, 1st Vice-President; Cassandra Jessie, 2nd Vice-President, Treasurer, Mark Lear; Recording Secretary, Mary Tyson; Membership Secretary, Sally Benjamin; and guests, Nancy Folsom, Project Insight Committee Chair; Kati Lear, Administrative Assistant; Janeen Lea, and Shelley Sawyer, Publications and Publicity Committee Chair. Motion was made by Mikey Wiseman to approve the minutes from September 30, 2021 and January 19, 2022 meetings. Motion was seconded by Sally Benjamin and was passed. Sheila welcomed Janeen Lea who had asked for time to speak with the Executive Committee. Janeen spoke of how much she loved FCB and how much the organization means in her life. She wanted to speak about how FCB could incorporate more social and fun activities during midyear, convention or potentially at other events during the year. She wondered why there was not an activities committee or activities director to coordinate such events. She suggested that members may be able to travel to different parts of the state for these gatherings. Sheila and others explained that one of the greatest impediments to such an idea was the cost and lack of transportation options. Mark said that we should continue to have the community calls and to maybe increase them to allow for more social interaction. Mary suggested that chapters who may be in the same area could get together for social events. Mikey encouraged her to continue to bring ideas forward and to not be discouraged if things did not move as quickly or in the direction that she would like. He offered to spend some time with her at convention to share his experiences and to listen to her concerns. Sheila said that the ideas for the scavenger hunt and the mix and mingle events are new and appreciated and she believes they will add a great deal to the convention. Janeen thanked the committee for their time and appreciated the guidance she has been given. Brochures – There had been some consideration of combining the Project Insight and FCB brochures but it was decided that they needed to remain separate as Project Insight felt that there may be hesitation for some people to download information that is specifically titled Florida Council of the Blind. Both brochures are on the website and are downloadable. The Project Insight brochure will be put near the top of the web page where Project Insight is first noted. Mikey said that he thought it would be a good idea to have QR codes embedded into the brochures so that people could scan them and go directly to the selected website with their phones. The QR code would be part of the printed documents. It was recommended that it be placed at the bottom of the page and it should be consistent. Sheila and Kati will look into how to go about inserting the QR codes onto the brochures. Sheila suggested that we put verbiage on the brochures indicating where the QR code is located to assist blind people. Shelley asked if the committee would want the QR codes on the business cards. It was felt this was an excellent idea. Sheila ask that the committees report back on this issue. The Donation to the Bill Spoone scholarship fund has not been sent because we did not know where to send it. This will be taken care of. There is already a donation button on the FCB website but Mark would like to see it expanded so that people could donate to specific projects or groups. Sally has been working on the membership list. She said that the number would be below 600. When it is time to pay assessments, FCB will have to pay per member and not a flat fee since we have less than 625 members. Mikey reported that the Greater Miami chapter is being officially dissolved. He will send a letter to Sheila to formalize this and they will be removed from the roster and the web page. Paul Edwards is in BRLF and Mikey is in FCCLV. Tampa Chapter Update Sally has received a check but no other documentation. Mary has received no documentation. Mikey and Jim Kracht have contacted Jim Warth and gone over the checklist of required documents. Even if they are provided, Tampa will not be eligible to vote at the 2022 convention. Cassandra said that she wanted everything to be brought up to date by May 31, otherwise the next step would be taken. Mikey will keep us posted. Sheila had requested that a document be prepared for the Policy Manual to specify for chapters Which documents and assessments are due, to whom they are due and on what date each year. Cassandra advised at the last meeting that the Membership Committee would write this up. This has not been done but Cassandra advised that it would be done before the next EC meeting. Sheila advised that Cynthia Hawkins, Chair of Constitution and Bylaws Committee, was having to move to New York for personal reasons. She is maintaining her membership in the Pinellas chapter and would like to remain committee chair if it is permissible. The EC has no problem with her maintaining her position. Sheila asked what form of discipline should be applied to someone who violates the Code of Conduct. Mikey said that it was not an Executive Committee decision and that it should be handled by the President and any affected committee chairs. Kati gave a brief convention report. The convention call went out on April 1 and online registration will be available soon. If anyone on the master list needs any special room accommodation they need to email Mikey as soon as possible. Sheila brought up the fact that since the convention starts early Friday morning, and people are expected to be there, that she thought that a third hotel night should be paid for by FCB for those on the master list. Mary made the motion to approve payment for a third night. This was seconded by Sally and the motion passed. Mikey discussed the AV proposal from the hotel. The original quote was $19,609.38 with the hotel providing all equipment. This would include providing audio and video for the main meeting room. It was suggested that Rick Moran bring the required equipment down and run it for the convention. If it all works well, the committee will discuss whether or not to purchase the equipment for FCB. With FCB providing the equipment the cost was reduced to $6,084.66. The technical assistance of Ryan Cordell will also be required at an additional expense. A motion was made by Mikey to approve the cost of the AV contract with the hotel, the cost of travel expenses for Rick Moran and the cost of Ryan’s services. Mary made a friendly amendment to clarify that expenses were not to exceed $10,000. Mikey accepted this friendly amendment. Mary seconded the motion and it passed. There were several issues that had not been covered and a meeting was tentatively scheduled for either April 19 or 26, at 7:00 PM. Let Sheila know which date works best for you. Motion to adjourn was made by Mary and seconded by Cassandra. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted by, Mary Tyson, FCB Recording Secretary